We visited "Le Château de Villandry et ses Jardins", and what amazing gardens they are!
Villandry, built in around 1536, is the last of the great châteaux built along the banks of the Loire during the Renaissance.
I must have been châtelaine here in a past life because my initial is right there in the banister.

Karl is so looking for sunshine and warmth that he stood under this palm tree, hoping it would give him the feel of being in a tropical garden.
This is a small taste of the flowers we will find outside. The entire château has flowers decorating the rooms.

Modern plumbing has found its way to Villandry!
Karl likes this idea of a pull-out shelf coming out of the library so you can set your book on it; a little temporary working area.
This is a bathtub with a "modesty screen". Imagine your head sticking out of that opening, and all your body hidden from prying eyes. It also affords a bit of warmth from the drafty rooms.

The "commode".

Bassinet waiting the arrival of a newborn.
A first glimpse of the outside gardens! There are six distinct gardens within the grounds: The Ornamental Garden, The Woods, The Water Garden, The Sun Garden, The Maze, and The Herb Garden.

The delicate roots of the 32 miles (52 km) of box hedge that outline and highlight each section mean that the whole 10 acres of gardens must be weeded by hand.
What a lacy petal.

Recognize the Wild Rose of Alberta?
Lilacs, just like home. They smell divine!
Pears and other fruit trees found bordering the gardens.
Layering of colours for more depth.

Swans at various levels, stopped from joining their friends by water steps.

I can recognize quilting patterns.

The Ornamental Garden has four sections. "Tender Love" is symbolized by hearts separated by small flames. In the centre you can see the masks worn at balls. "Passionate Love": hearts again, but this time broken by passion, laid out in a farandole to evoke dancing. "Fickle Love": here, the four fans in the corners symbolise the volatile nature of feelings. Between the fans are the horns of jilted love. "Tragic Love": the drawings represent the blades of daggers and swords used in duels caused by rivalry in love. The flowers planted here are red, symbolizing bloodshed.
A walk in The Woods affords you some beautiful panoramas over the gardens, and quiet places to take a rest.